Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Local Hero

I know that local morning newscasters are paid to be professionally over-the-top and perky (and thus, rather creepy). Still, this bunch from Sacremento took it a bit too far in this video clip in which their game reporter covers Guitar Hero.

Game reporter. There's a job I should maybe look into.


Shocho said...

That was fucking cool. Everybody got into it! The news guy was totally air drumming! Groupies appeared from nowhere! That's what that game is all about. Everybody has a closet rock star just beneath the surface. I must have this game.

Jason said...

Sounds like a fun job, working in the gaming media. Until you realize that you also have to cover the games that suck or the ones you just couldn't give a damn about.

DavĂ­d said...

That left me speechless.

Anonymous said...

I busted out laughing when he licked the guitar! too funny!

this seems to perpetuate the stereotypical idea that anybody with a guitar will instantly get a flock of groupies. note to self: get guitar. quickly.

the mole

GiromiDe said...

Flock of groupies? You mean, as in, "Area Bassist Fellated" from The Onion?

Starbucks definitely makes the world go round. Morning news shows are evidence of this.

Mkae said...

Geezus. What the hell did they put in the coffee there? Good stuff though. Until their next story is about some gruesome car accident or something.