Saturday, February 04, 2006

Whipped Into a Drunken Stupor

It's been a while since I've brought you a "tale of trivia night," or even a good question that came up. This week, I have the former.

Every time they ask a question, you have "one song" of time to turn in your answer. At some point about halfway through the night, the "one song" for a particular question was Devo's "Whip It." The bar seemed a little more crowded than usual, and many of the patrons seemed far more drunk than usual. The evidence? The team a few tables over turned the thing into a total Cab Calloway-style "call and answer" song. And half the bar took up the cry.

"When a problem comes along..."


"Before the cream sits out too long..."


It was both disturbing and can't-breathe-hysterical at the same moment. Even funnier than the next couple of songs that came on, Aha's "Take On Me" and Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down." (The latter was just not silly enough to compete with Devo, despite the Tom Petty impersonations; the former just hurt your ears at the end of each chorus.)

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