Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lost Veronica Mars (no slash belongs in there)

So apparently if you don't input "the numbers" correctly into the Dharma Initiative computer on Lost, it starts dialing Stargate addresses. What would have happened if Locke hadn't pushed the button before that last chevron locked?

I was planning to compare tonight's Lost and Veronica Mars episodes, but at the last minute (well, sometime yesterday), UPN announced that the new episodes of Veronica Mars they'd scheduled for the next three weeks were going to be pushed back into mid-March instead. They decided to get out of the way of the Olympics, I guess. Bummer.

A mostly decent Lost, though. The return of Rousseau, the arrival of that guy that played the freaky, whack-job serial killer on those episodes of The Practice, something twisted in the hatch, and a somewhat interesting (though also somewhat redundant) backstory about Sayid that featured Clancy Brown (of Shawshank Redemption and Carnivale). I was entertained.

So what if Hurley's hording ranch dressing? Michael's been using it for target practice, the big jerk. At least Michael had the decency to remain off camera another week.

So, if my tracking's correct, we've now had an episode for every castaway this season except Claire and Libby. In the case of the former, it seems like the writers sort of shot their wad with the one and only Claire episode thus far, from last season. It told us pretty much everything we need to know about Claire, and they may be hard-pressed to find something else worth telling. And as for Libby... well, I can't help but feel we're in store for something very twisted and dark in her past, once we're finally shown it.

Sadly, though, we'll see neither one of these characters featured in an episode any time soon. They're rerunning the pilot episode next week instead. Grumble.


Shocho said...

I can't believe you didn't mention Clancy Brown's shining moment as Rawhide in Buckaroo Banzai. Otherwise, nice commentary.

Kathy said...

I was planning to compare tonight's Lost and Veronica Mars episodes, but at the last minute (well, sometime yesterday), UPN announced that the new episodes of Veronica Mars they'd scheduled for the next three weeks were going to be pushed back into mid-March instead.

Oh, that's what happened! I was so mad at the TiVo for missing VM and it was just because it wasn't new!

TheGirard said...

the last chevron locked and James Spader appeared.

Now that would get me to watch Lost again.

Mkae said...

I know you generally hate to watch previews, but your Claire episode is coming. Personally, I can't stand the character. Yes, she's kinda cute, but that wrenching voice and God-awful accent just makes my spine hurt.

"My bay-bee!!! MY BAY-BEE!!"

Ugh. The Others took her but let her go because they couldn't stand it either.

DavĂ­d said...

This was one of my favorite episodes this season. I'd say it ups to 3, the number of good episodes this season (not that the rest have been bad, but just kind of average or above average).