Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine----

"Born" February 18, 1930, the planet Pluto died today at the age of 76. Sources say the planet had been in "failing health" for a number of years. It is survived by eight older siblings, and three children: son Charon, age 28, and twins Nyx and Hydra, age 1.



Anonymous said...

Oh my god! They killed Pluto!



GiromiDe said...

That's okay. That damn Disney dog erased the gravitas of the name "Pluto." Him and Pluto Nash.

Anonymous said...

wait, was Popeye involved? did he eat some spinach and smash Pluto?

I guess Pluto's like the rebel kid of the Solar System... "snif snif...that's okay, I didn't want to be a dumb old Planet anyway!"

this reminds me of the dinosuars ten years ago, where all of a sudden they didn't drag their tails anymore, and it seemed really wierd at first...

the mole