Monday, April 30, 2007

1:00 AM - 2:00 AM

This week's recap goes for the record number of "characters frozen in boxes."

Doyle tries talking to Audrey, but he doesn't speak Crazy Bitch.

Nadia's talking about perimeters! That's at least one drink, maybe two!

All these helicopters for flying people back to CTU... where were they five minutes ago?

The writers shoehorn a line about "Mexican border security" into Daniels' mouth to throw a bone to 24's conservative audience that got all pissy about the "Muslims are our friends" stuff earlier this season.

Look who's showed up to go through Lisa Miller's gate.

He's totally gonna open her iris.

While the teleconference room isn't in use, all the geeks are fighting for time to play their First Person Shooters on that triple-screen spread.

Wait a minute... there's a leak in the White House or CTU? No way!

So, Lisa's squeeze-on-the-side is evil? I wasn't sure without the glowing eyes.

Morris tells Chloe: "Working with you is becoming uncomfortable." How is that different from her working relationship with everybody?

Audrey's got chicken pox.

The only bastards bigger than the ones from Denver are the ones from Division.

Lennox's reaction to learning about the relationship between Daniels and Miller is so brilliantly awkward, I'm almost expecting his nose to start whistling as he starts hearing Barry White.

Jack doesn't make it look nearly as "good" for Doyle as he does when he whales on the white shirt outside the door. (White is the new red, by the way.)

Is it true that when you break the keycard reader on the inside of a door that the outside won't work, either? Even if it is, I think I'm tired of seeing that cliche.

Nadia can't get into the room. "Dammit!" Drink!

When Cheng called Jack, he was "within an hour" of that hotel. Drink! (We could be in trouble here...)

Nadia's got the earpiece/microphone thing going now. She's Miss Yassir, if you're nasty.

Yes, throw Jack back in holding. We can't have him be driving the plot for so long at one stretch!

Lisa's back at the White House. And she smells like Egypt.

Good thing Daddy Heller was in L.A.

Jack, just listen to Heller. Ditch Audrey and go be happy with your brother's wife and son-we-know-but-don't-know-is-your-son.


Anonymous said...

out of contact with Cheng for about an hour? I know they showed him all bummed out about the "broken" chip, but honestly he could have pulled over and hid the thing under a rock by now. send somebody to get it a few months later? but I'm okay with thinking he wouldn't want to risk that and keep it with him at all times...

super-hottie Lisa being a spy? now that we know, it kinda seems like it shoulda been super-obvious from the start. yeah 24!

and that last little bit of the episode was really f'd up. sure the audience knows it, but to hear Heller tell Jack he's cursed and everything around him dies, man that was some cold blooded stuff to say to somebody as messed up as Jack.

the mole

GiromiDe said...

Oh, geez, "open the iris?" You have Stargate on the brain. Wonder why.

Cush1978 said...

I doubt it was a coincidence, but Jack took Audrey to Room 237. That's the room in The Shining (movie) where creepy stuff happens to Jack. I was waiting for a disgusting naked rotting fat lady to show up.

Anonymous said...

"but he doesn't speak Crazy Bitch."

HA! Reminda me of eco or whatever that game was called ...


Roland Deschain said...

I'll borrow my question from a reader on Dave Barry's board...

Did you notice that Tom Lennox found the White House mole AND had a written report detailing all relevant evidence in less than 22 minutes?

Why isn't HE running CTU?