Saturday, February 21, 2009

Return to the Dollhouse

What can I say about week two of Dollhouse? Well, I did think it was a pretty significant improvement over the premiere last week. The storyline was more compelling, there were more moments of character development, and a sprinkle more of the pithy dialogue I like to see in a Joss Whedon show. But it still wasn't "great."

Moreover, the ratings were down -- and they weren't all that high to begin with last week. So I already find myself wondering if Dollhouse will even get the chance to keep growing creatively, as it seems it will. I hope so. But if it doesn't, I suppose there's some consolation in knowing it won't be the devastating loss that Firefly was.

But if I should soon find myself lacking in quality Joss Whedon television, I can try to console myself by watching this, all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in just over three minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cue up the A-Team drumbeat... if you need a girlfriend for the weekend. if no one else can help. and if you can find them. maybe you can hire. the dollhouse.

I can already see the future of this show. it goes a little something like this: science guy thinks he's a genius but he's not. the memories are not actually erased like it appears. eventually Echo will rmember EVERYTHING she had been imprinted with and she will become uber-agent.

the mole