Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This Place is Death

I thought this week's episode of Lost was a step back from last week's, but not a big one. The episode did manage to have moments to tug at the heart while it had puzzles to tease the brain, but I think skewed a bit more toward the latter than the week before.

I was disappointed that the story of Rousseau and the French expedition didn't really seem to amount to much. I don't think we really learned anything about them that we didn't know already, and the whole tale was compressed into just the opening 15 minutes of the show, not giving it enough time to play for better dramatic effect. But I suppose perhaps we haven't seen the last of it?

Charlotte's story also wasn't really satisfying. You could feel what Daniel was going through, and that part of it worked. But she hadn't ever really been that fleshed out as a character, so we the audience don't have much to feel about her death -- we can only empathize via Daniel. Of course, here we know there's more about Charlotte's past yet to come, so perhaps this loss will seem more significant in retrospect.

As I think is always the case with a Sun/Jin storyline, that part of the episode was great. It was great to see them each on their own deep emotional journey, and basically moving in opposite directions. Jin learned that Sun safely got away, and had to sacrifice to keep her there; Sun learned Jin didn't die, and apparently may sacrifice herself and her daughter (leaving Ji Yeon behind) to get back to Jin. Good stuff.

I also liked Ben's outburst about everything he's had to do to try and "get the band back together," as it were. It seems likely we'll get some episode in the not-too-distant future that fills in the time between Locke's departure from The Island and his death; perhaps we'll learn just what Ben is talking about at that time.

So, a mixed bag, in my view. Overall, fairly satisfying, but I'm hoping for more next week.

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