Monday, April 25, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge -- Day 9

Day 9: A song that you can dance to.

For this category, I briefly considered picking a song from one of the many console dance games I've enjoyed over the years. Something from Dance Central, Dance Dance Revolution, whatever. My pick along those lines would probably have been "Somnambulist" by BT, just as the song I can remember enjoying most from one of those games. But a more than reasonable case could be made that that's not exactly "dancing."

I probably would have chosen to fight the good fight and say "it still counts," had I not thought of an alternative and unexpected choice: "Mambo Glamoroso," composed by Alan Silvestri for the opening titles and first scene of the movie Soapdish.

Remember those high school musicals I talked about a few Song Challenge entries ago? Well, one year, there was also some kind of conventional "school show" where kids of all ages (we were a kindergarten through 12th grade school under one roof) had different performances in a kind of revue.

My group, for reasons I can't remember now (if I even knew them then) decided to dance a mambo. We began our rehearsals with our teacher choreographing to some oh-so-serious tango-esque mambo that none of us really liked. So, being a vaguely rebellious teenager, I suggested we substitute something more upbeat and exciting. And, owning the Soapdish soundtrack, I suggested this cue.

So I'm not speaking figuratively when I call this "a song I can dance to." It's a song I did dance to, fully choreographed, on stage and before an audience of a couple hundred people. (Not that I remember more than a handful of the steps today.)


Anonymous said...

Any home videos of this? ;)


DrHeimlich said...

For better or worse, no. I have only a couple of videos from my old performing days. They're on decaying VHS tapes, and I really should figure out a way to get them into a digital format. But then again, I really don't ever feel like watching them, so maybe that's okay. I prefer my mind's version of how good it was. :-)