Thursday, November 03, 2005

War (But No Roses)

The movie Jarhead opens this weekend, and I'm really torn over whether I want to see it.

On the one hand, it's a war movie. War movies don't often do it for me. Steven Spielberg has somehow been a consistent exception to this rule, as I liked Saving Private Ryan (though I have terrible story about going to see it that I'll relate on another occasion). Schindler's List is high in my top 100 (though, of course, it's not the sort of perspective on a "war movie" I'm talking about). And I love the mini-series Band of Brothers, which he and Tom Hanks produced. Outside of those, though, I can't really think of any that pass muster for me.

On the other hand, Jarhead is directed by Sam Mendes. He's the brilliant director behind American Beauty (which rates even higher on my top 100 than Schindler's List -- a great deal higher). I wouldn't say the man can "do no wrong," since he also made Road to Perdition, which I wasn't crazy about. (Hey, there's another genre I'm not wild about -- gangsters.) Still, I loved American Beauty so much that I'm probably willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on anything else he directs for quite some time to come.

So... to see, or not to see? Anyone else planning a trip to the movie theater this weekend?

(Yes, this post was too liberal with the parentheses.)


Brad said...

I don't like going to the theatre. But if I am going this weekend it will be to see Jarhead.

I think parens are fine ... could I interest you in some [brackets]? -- emdash? ... elipses?

GiromiDe said...

Evan, you're far too smart to fit moviegoing into neat little genres. For me, it's not about war movies or gangster movies, but good war movies or good gangster movies. I'm not fond of the horror genre, but I do like good horror movies, though they appear few and far between.

Davíd said...

I'm definitely looking forward to Jarhead, partially because I like the director and cast, and partially because the previews do such a good job selling it.

The only movie coming out this weekend (in Salt Lake, it has been in other plaaces for a few weeks) that I'm more excited about is Goodnight and Good Luck. That said, it will probably be easier to convince friends to see Jarhead so I imagine I will be seeing that tonight.

Anonymous said...

it looks like a bit too much politics for me. where the director will choose to tell a "support the war" story or a "this was a bad idea" story. it's all just a bit too recent history I guess.

it seems like the type of movie that will be seen overseas, and no matter how truthful or fictional the story/characters are, it will shape how the world views american soldiers. which may be good or bad, but something a movie director shouldn't have the power to do.

like I said, a seems a bit political :-) boo-rah

-the mole

Davíd said...

Okay, so I saw Jarhead last night and it was a good movie. It's based on a book of a marine's account of his time in the gulf war and is a well-told story. I thought the characters were well done and it gave you a good sense of the life of a soldier. The pacing was a bit slow at times, and it didn't totally grab me so I give it 3 stars (out of 4).

I find the mole's comments interesting because I think the movie took the exact oppposite approach. The director took the exact opposite approach (likely because the book it is based on did) and really just told it like it was. I think that, whatever opinions one has about war and the military, they will not be changed by this movie. It shows how a soldier's life can suck, but also how a soldier can love his job. In the end, it's about people, not politics.