Thursday, November 08, 2007

A South Park Rerun

So yes, I did see this week's Guitar Hero-themed episode of South Park. Some episodes of South Park actually carry some kind of message or try to make some point. Other simply try to be funny. This was one of the latter, unless you take the "message" to be that "gamers are dumb." (But given that creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have acknowledged their own video game addictions from time to time in their commentaries, I'll assume that's not the case.)

In any case, to delve too critically into this episode is probably silly. Still, I have to make one major observation. To me, there was nothing in this episode that wasn't already done in last season's "World of Warcraft" episode. Both depicted the same tale of emotionally investing overmuch in a video game, and the same transference of the game into the real world. Been there, done that.

So which time was it funnier? The Warcraft episode, or the Guitar Hero episode?

I personally think the Guitar Hero episode had the funnier setups and jokes, and that serves as the answer to "why do the same episode over again?" But I of course have to acknowledge that, as I'm a fan of GH and not WoW, perhaps I only find it funnier because of the familiarity.

Anyone else want to weigh in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked the exaggerated unfulfilling game ending. there are a few times you really master a game and then the ending sequence is insulting to the effort. (South Park made it literally insulting hehe.)

the mole