Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stay of Execution

Prison Break fans -- rejoice? The word has come down from FOX that the series will be continuing on into a fourth season. 22 or 23 more episodes to follow the saga of Linc and Michael vs. The Company.

I remain as uncertain of this development as I was after the season three finale, when I was speculating about the possibility. On the one hand, I'm glad the show can now get more of an Ending. (Capital E.) But on the other, the show has become fairly ridiculous, a shadow of the high-quality fun fest that it used to be, and I must confess to watching it largely on inertia in the last few months. The writers seem to have run the story out, and I'm not sure what they're going to do to fill 22 more hours.

Perhaps there will be some sort of creative resurgence after the long strike-enforced break. Lots of other shows have hit the skids for a time only to rebound in the final season(s) -- The West Wing strikes me as a prominent recent example. I'm hoping against hope that 24 will prove to be another. So, hey... maybe Prison Break too.

We'll find out this fall.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to see it coming back. I'm also wary... I'm not sure what sort of quality we'll get this time around.
Oh well. We'll see soon enough!


Roland Deschain said...

While I haven't seen much of this show, I have caught an episode here and there and read all of the good Doctor's blogs.

My question is:

How is it that these people are so skilled in their abilities to break each other OUT of prison...yet not competent enough to stop being put IN to prison?

I'm just asking...