Tuesday, April 12, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge -- Day 4

Do I really need to keep introducing this "30 Day Song Challenge" thing? You know what's up by now, I think.

Day 4: A song that makes you sad.

Personally, I can't really see listening to a song that could truly make me sad -- take me from a happy place and put me in a funk. But there are a few songs that remind me of a sad moment, or take an already-existing feeling of melancholy and deepen it.

The song that bubbled right to the top of my mind was "Breathe Me" by Sia.

I briefly considered that this might not be an entirely appropriate choice in this category, as the "sad memory" it invokes isn't really a personal one. Any fan of Six Feet Under will recall this song's prominent use in the final minutes of the series finale. But it was such a potent and sweeping sequence that it was all too easy to get caught up in emotion of it and completely ignore the fact that you were blubbering like a baby over fictional characters. I can't hear the song without being taken straight toward that place emotionally.

If I were to try and make a more "legitimate" choice, I suppose it might be "You Run Away" by Barenaked Ladies. I have no specific sad memory associated with the song. In fact, I think it the most sweetly beautiful song from them in over a decade, since "Call and Answer" off their breakthrough album Stunt. But it is a rather sorrowful song. I listen to it because I love the instrumentation and interplay between multiple vocal parts. I don't listen to it looking to feel good, because it won't do that.


Francis K. Lalumiere said...

I'm right there with you...


Anonymous said...

"sad" seems to be completely context-related. even an upbeat song could make you sad if it reminded you of an unhappy moment. then people would be all "WTF? why does THAT make you sad?" so this question is more of a conversation-starter if anything...

if "cry" is the same as "sad" pick any Pixar movie ending tune at random, and I'll probably be crying during it...

the mole