Monday, April 18, 2005

I'm sorry... our domestic WHAT arsenal?

I gotta say it takes me right out of the moment a little bit every time I hear Jack Bauer use the word "nuke-ya-ler." I suppose we got past the worst of it last week with the repeated references to the "nuke-ya-ler football." But now that a "nuke-ya-ler warhead" has gone missing, I fear it's going to be an assault on my eardrums from here until the end of the season.

I have to say the best moment in this week's episode of 24 was the Family Guy commercial just before the last act:

"You... you wanna see him go to the bathroom?"



GiromiDe said...

Perhaps when all this is over, Jack can buy his squeeze some fancy "jew-ler-y" and obtain a "re-la-tor" so they can buy a home together.

"Similarly" and "advertisement" should be stricken from the English language -- the former because without lisps trip over it; the latter because neither pronunciation sits well with me.

The lack of potty time bothers me as well, but I fanwank that everyone in the 24 universe is equipped with discreet stillsuits.

DrHeimlich said...

Actually, we did see Jack go to the bathroom earlier this season -- just before he took exposed lamp wires to Paul Raines.

What, don't you feel the urge to pee when you're about to torture someone?

Shocho said...

I swear I heard them say they lost satellite surveillance of the convoy in the mountains. From Illinois to Iowa???? Insanity!

GiromiDe said...

Perhaps they were driving through Galena in northwest Illinois, which features the only dramatically uneven terrain in Illinois.

Shocho said...

How is it that link to admits that it gets its info from Wikipedia? What kind of service is that?

Brad said...

That flaming mess we see - couldn't be seen with a satellite?
Mountainous region between IL and IA?
There are no trees like that between IL and IA - just corn!
I was so upset that I did the unthinkable and watched the previews of next week to see if it was worth watching - big mistake! I can't wait for next week!

DrHeimlich said...

Maybe is not claiming to know the actual answers so much as where to find them.