Sunday, April 24, 2005

(Insert one or more flavors here) Soda

Okay, this whole soda pop thing is getting out of control.

It used to be there was Cherry Coke, and that was about it. I was happy when Pepsi spawned its own version of that, because I prefer Pepsi to Coke. Then came Vanilla Coke, and again, Pepsi lagged behind in bringing their version to market.

But now these two soft drink giants are doing some sort of weird performance from "Annie Get Your Gun."

I'd seen the Coke With Lime commerical blaze by on my TiVo as fast-forwarded. Today, I saw Pepsi's version at the store. I also saw the third (or fourth?) "spin-off" of Sprite, "Aruba Jam Sprite Remix." If you think that's something, though, Dr Pepper takes the prize for "most adjectives in front of a brand name" with "Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper."

I actually picked up some cans of the non-Diet version of CVDP and gave it a taste. I swear to you, I cannot taste the difference from regular Dr Pepper. Maybe I need to line up the two side by side and have some sort of taste test. I will say this, though: it certainly looks different. After I took a swig, I caught a glimpse of the soda on the rim of the can, and it was bright red. We're talking almost Welch's Strawberry red. So, all the additives, none of the taste.

They've gotta be running out of things people would want mixed in their soft drinks, don't they?


Kathy said...

Actually, if they made (deep breath)

Diet Caffeine Free Aspartame Free Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper

I'd be in.

Actually, I'd rather have a Splenda-sweetened, caffeine free version of Vanilla Coke, but how could I even conceive of being pickier than this?

Can't have aspartame or caffeine, bad for the baby. Don't want the extra sugar, just want an occasional inert treat. Am I really asking so much?


Okay then, I'll be quiet now.

GiromiDe said...

I've largely given up on soda. It's bad for you, and, as those of previous generations keep reminding me, it used to be a once-a-week treat. I'll never give up root beer, sasparilla, or anything Stewarts, but I've resigned to enjoying those only occassionally.

It's such an easy thing to cut out of my regular diet.

DrHeimlich said...

Without the type of serious motivation that Kathy has, there's no way I could ever give up soda. Caffeine in general.

GiromiDe said...

I've somehow evolved into this tea-and-wine guy. I prefer tea as my source of caffiene and wine as my source of alcohol. When I drink beer, I touch only Amstel Light, because the commercials don't lie in this case.

Metrosexuality: Catch It!

Just today, I've discovered this alterna-juice called vitaminwater. What really hooked me was their latest campaign: "OJ fould guilty (of being high in sugar)." I'll probably mention this on my own blog when I get it up and running.

Major Rakal said...

Giromide - it wasn't a once-a-week treat for me (and I'm certainly of a previous generation). Might have something to do with my father running a gas station and buying Coke by the case(s) for the vending machine, and then bringing it home by the case. (16-oz green glass bottles.)

I once (freshman year in college) gave Coke up for several months when I had an ulcer. I finally just had to have one, and my stomach didn't dissolve, so I fell off the wagon and never looked back. Like drheimlich, there's no way I could ever give up soda.

Now, I can't stand regular diet soda (is that an oxymoron?), and New Coke was an abomination, but I was amazed to discover that Coke C2 is actually good. I'll drink C2 interchangeably with classic Coke.