Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Amazing Rant

After tonight's double installment, The Amazing Race is taking the week off next Tuesday. And I'm almost glad in a way, because I need a break from the Weaver family.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm thrilled the Paolo family got eliminated tonight. Every time they opened the first clue to start a new leg of the race, they couldn't even make it off the mat before they were yelling at each other. They were simply horrible to watch (and went out doing exactly what they do "best," berating each other even as they reached the pit stop).

But the Weavers. As much as I hated Rob and Amber last time around, this family is putting them to shame. What have the Weavers got they they didn't have? Hypocrisy.

"What did we ever do to them?" Hmm... check last week's installment when you called one of the Paolo sons a retard and mocked their family for having their team picture taken in front of a garbage truck.

"They play dirty," they said of the Linz family. Conveniently, they'd already forgotten how just moments earlier, they'd tried to get the park ranger at the entrance to the Grand Canyon to delay the Linz van.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. They behave horribly, deny having done it, criticize far less objectionable behavior in others, and then wrap themselves in a cloak of Christianity.

No, I'm afraid we were only rid of the lesser of two evils tonight.

(On a separate note, I loved that in the montage depicting the first hour's pit stop, they showed us the place where Hawke and Santini park Airwolf.)

1 comment:

GiromiDe said...

I can deal with an internally disrespectful bunch of loudmouths. I can't deal with hypocrites, especially of the Bible Belt variety.