Sunday, January 15, 2006

Jack Is Back

Well, I was riveted to see the adventures of Frank Flynn as he transformed back into Jack Bauer and picked up kicking ass like no time had gone by at all.

We're only two episodes in so far, of course, but I'm already hooked into this season of 24 more so than any since year two. I chalk it up to the fact that the stakes are so incredibly personal this time. Palmer and Michelle both?! Holy crap!

After the big clearing of the decks between year three and four, I'm somewhat surprised to see so many characters from season four return this year. (Although I suppose some of them sure didn't return for very long!)

Two more hours tomorrow night. Can't wait!



As a service to all you unfortunate folks in the East who suffered audio problems at the conclusion of the episode, here's a synopsis of the last act.

Jack drops off Derek with his mother at the airport. Jack apologizes once more to Derek, tells "Mom" his real name, and tells them to go straight to CTU and contact Bill Buchanan. They should tell CTU "the truth," and explain everything that happened. Then he's off into the airport terminal to confront the man whose name he got off Palmer's computer.

The Russian president lands, and everybody braces, waiting for the expected attack... that does not come.

As Derek and his mother are pulling out of the airport, he notices a van of thugs with suspicious duffel bags getting off near the baggage claim. "Isn't that where Jack went? I have to warn him." He jumps out. Mom tries to follow/stop him, but the airport parking Nazis shoo her back to her car.

Jack finds his man, and is getting ready to torture him...

But in the main terminal, the thugs show up, fire a bunch of bullets into the air, and take everybody hostage -- including Derek.

Jack is distracted by the shots for just a moment, but it's enough for his man to pop a suicide pill before he gives up any information.

Some dialogue between the hostage takers makes it clear that they'll be making demands of the U.S. President soon.

Meanwhile, the shadowy figure that may or may not be at the head of the bad guy plot makes a phone call to President Logan's aide, who is revealed to be in on the plot. He's tampered with the First Lady's phone call with Palmer before Logan could hear it, so "she won't be a problem anymore."






Shocho said...

Call my cynical, but it's easy to do the first part of the season. It's the middle and the end that are tough. Been fun so far.

Anonymous said...

I'm digging the Chloe-triangle. poor Edgar. those two better hook up by the end of the season. it's torture! beat-you-over-the-head root for the underdog type stuff. let's hope pretty boy gets sent into the field and has to rely on Edgar's intel.....

that sucks about Michelle. when they showed those two I was thinking "couldn't they have gotten the hapily-ever-after ending?" but I guess they are setting up 6th-season pissed off Tony drinking beer out of a coffee cup again.

it was fun cheering again for the graphic violence disclaimer. also gave a big cheer when Jack told someone over the phone he didn't have time to explain and to trust him. so cliche' by now, but great anyway.

we managed to turn on closed-captioning during the last bit :-)

two more hours tonight!
the mole

Jono said...

I think Chloe co-worker/boyfriend is in on the plot... come on, he's the one who said "She's fine." Yeah right, she's wasn't fine - she was about to be dead!

thisismarcus said...

When Jack shot Palmer's assassin I was like, "That was for Willow!"

Tony will be back cos he's billed with the regulars not the guest stars this year.