Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The War on Christmas Terror

GiromiDe found the following link, but I figure since he didn't blog about it for a few days after sending it to me, it has become "fair game." In any case, it's just too damn funny not to share.

I bring you, courtesy of the Defamer, the incredible tale of Drunken Kiefer Sutherland vs. That Fucking Christmas Tree.

This is certainly not the first tabloid tale of Kiefer Sutherland's strange behavior under the influence of alcohol. But it's one of the funniest, as I think it's showing a sad decline in the edginess of our favorite "hero fighting to save the world."

First of all, there have been tales before of this man getting into major fistfights in bars. But now, he's only willing to take on a poor, defenseless Christmas tree.

Secondly, he doesn't just freak out and rip the thing apart, as any self-respecting celebrity bad boy in a drunken stupor would do. No, he asks permission to tear apart the tree, offering in advance to pay for it.

Come on, Kiefer. WWJBD?

Fortunately, starting this Sunday, we'll find out. Minus the Christmas tree, of course.


Shocho said...

It is a wimpout that he asked first. I guess that mellowing with age comes to all of us, no matter how rich or drunk.

GiromiDe said...

I suppose I should have told you that I wanted you to blog it. Kiefer is your territory.

thisismarcus said...

I saw it too. Note that they were tended to by staff for the duration of their rip-roarin' out-of-control rampage and they packed up in time for staff to serve breakfast to the other guests. Wild!