Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fortune Kooky

I have had some weird fortunes come in my fortune cookies before. ("You will be invited to a royal dancing party where you will meet your first lover." comes to mind.) But I don't think I or anyone else I know has ever found a fortune as strange as this one, that came with my Friday lunch:


Major Rakal said...

I don't think that makes sense even if you append " bed".

GiromiDe said...

I'd grab a shotgun from the local Wal-Mart and hole myself up at home for the rest of the weekend if I were you.

TheGirard said...

My best one was "You are the master of everything"

could they have been more right?

Mkae said...

Very nice. One for the nerds out there. That's like the email sig I once saw. "There are only 10 people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

Anonymous said...

My all time best fortune:
"Generosity and perfection are your assets - and they show"

- Enrique

Anonymous said...

If anyone cares, it's related to the settings for a dial-up modem:

Duplex (HALF/FULL)
Controls how characters are displayed. If you get double characters (lliikkee tthhiiss) or none at all, change the option between half duplex and full duplex.

...anyone else remember setting baud rates, parity and duplex?

thisismarcus said...

Mkae: I think that should be "there are 10 kinds of people in the world" :)

I was on a date that was going nowhere recently and my fortune cookie said I'd meet somebody wonderful soon. Awkward!