Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Phone Bill

According to this article, the cell phone pictured here will be used by James Bond in the upcoming movie. There are some who would find that fairly cool. There are still more who probably just think the phone looks neat, regardless of any connection to a movie.

Well, tell all those people to hold the phone. Or not hold the phone. Because doing so will cost you about $1,640. For a device that gets sat on, dropped, maybe accidentally sent through the washing machine, lost, or who-knows-what? Nothankyouverymuch.


Shocho said...

I think phones that slide are cool. And you can drop your phone and sit one it more than once, but you can only wash it one time. Then you get a new one. LWC knows.

Mkae said...

It can't be cooler than Jack Bauer's phone, which can:

- Coordinate with satellites to track terrorists, your former boss, and your girlfriend's movements.
- Make terrorists blow up.
- NEVER need recharging.

Take that, 007.