Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Honk-y Talk

Recently, I talked about the odd glares we give bad drivers on the road. On a sort of related matter, I'd like to say a few words about "horn honking technique." Since I work near downtown Denver (and walk around for lunch there every day), I get treated to a wide variety of car horn honking, and I've noticed that different people have different approaches.

There's the short "solo staccato burst." Just one quick beep and out. This is as polite as a car horn gets. It's the driver saying, "excuse me, but I don't think you're paying attention. Terribly sorry." This is pretty common at a red light when someone at the front of the pack doesn't realize it's turned green.

There's the "rhythmic blast." I haven't really discerned different nuances here, just general variations on "HOOOONK! Honk-honk! HOONNK!" In this case, the target has generally done something that truly put others in danger. Maybe they haven't even realized it yet. Sometimes, this sort of honk is well-intentioned like that, but other times, it's just a non-verbal cussing out of a driver after the fact.

Finally, there's the "my horn could be stuck, you wouldn't know the difference" blare. This is someone just leaning on the button so long, you can hear the doppler shift as they drive by. In my experience, this sort of horn honking technique is never employed by the well-intentioned. Usually, they're the asshole in need of a good honking. (Well, a ticket -- but there's never a cop around when you want one, right?) They've crawled right up your bumper as you're in a right-turn only lane, and they're honking at you for slowing down in front of them to turn. Or some kind of situation like that. And they're giving you the "finger of car horns" to tell you how (irrationally) upset they are.

Any other varieties of "car hornery" that any of you can think of?


Anonymous said...

I generally use the long-honking approach. I consider myself to be a very safe driver [knocks on wood :P ], and when I see someone breaking the courtesy rules I let em have it. people who try to get away with, whatever reckless thing, they are trying deserve that extra bit of horn-yelling pointing out how jerky they are. (they also get the "evil eye" when possible!)

there might be psychological signs that can tell what type of person you are by how you honk your car horn?

the mole

Anonymous said...

Hey, you could be even worse and be like this guy...

He installed a TRAIN horn in his car. Even funnier, he's here in Colorado and he has the statute on the page regarding horns as well. Pray you never run into THIS guy...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, link got cut off. :P

TMac said...

I used to long-honking approach on my way back from Florida on a mini-van in front of us getting on the interstate. He decided he should stop right at the point where you get on the interstate. It was also one of the dual purpose, exit/entry exits, used for people getting on and off the interstate. Plus it was a loop to get back on the interstate so I couldn't see him in front of me until I was almost right on top of him.

I was upset so flicking him off with the horn but I was also trying to get him to move because he was going to get use killed.