Thursday, April 20, 2006

Halleluiah Chorus

This has to be the most juvenile thing I've ever posted to my blog. But dammit, it made me laugh. A lot. So sue me.


Shocho said...

That guy could not be more crazy. Here's a link I posted a while ago, found with the awesome Technorati search that Kathy gave me.

GiromiDe said...

Wow. He's still in business. And a lot fatter. But hey we all loose it a bit with age.

DavĂ­d said...


I think I've matured too much to appreciate that. Noooooooooooo!

Jono said...

Yeah... I remember him from a decade ago when he was on television live at night on some UHF channel at night.

Must be filled with Energizer batteries because he keeps going and going and going...