Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Slitherin' (No, Not at Hogwarts)

So it took me a couple extra weekends after release date to get around to it, but this weekend, I finally went out and caught the movie Slither. I'll give you the bottom line first: for what this movie was aspiring to be, it's absolutely perfect. A+.

What type of movie is it trying to be? Well, the way I figure it, the closest thing is probably Tremors. Slither is a horror movie, but it's definitely a comedy. Not Zucker-esque slapstick farce, but vaguely Whedonesque humor. It goes for scares, but doesn't ever take itself seriously for very long. (Though it does set up "internal rules," as a good monster movie must, and basically sticks to them.)

Given that Whedonesque spin I mentioned, it should come as no surprise that I thought Nathan Fillion was simply brilliant in this movie. How this guy is not a huge frakking star is beyond me. Everything I've seen him in, he's elevated to a higher status. (Of course, that belief will seriously be put to the test soon when the "how could it not totally suck" White Noise 2 is released.)

Despite the "perfect for what it is" review, I can't say this movie will make it to my top 100 list. I liked it a lot. I'll pick it up on DVD when that arrives. But in the grand scheme of "what I want a movie to do for me" (which I'm not sure I could articulate very well), I probably can only give this movie a B+. This movie will make you laugh -- hard -- if you're into this kind of thing, but it's not gonna rock your world or change your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Oh, that reminds me of something I want to tell you." ;) LOL