Sunday, June 04, 2006

"I'll Buy That For a Dollar!"

I worked on a lot of card game products during my years at Da Company. I've seen those products go from their original, full-price luster shortly after release, to marked for discount months after release, to bulk-packaged in a generic box and sold at Wal-Mart for crazy cheap. But today, a whole new level was reached.

I got a phone call in the middle of the afternoon from my sister. "Hey, you worked on that Tribbles card game, right?"

"Yup, with some other people."

"Well, I'm at the dollar store, and they've got it here. You want one?"

"No thanks -- I've got some already."

Dollar store, baby!


Mkae said...

You've made it! Congrats Dr.!!

Anonymous said...

"what did you do with the tribbles?!"

"we gave them to the dollar store, where they'll be no tribble at all."

[cue comical music score]

the mole

GiromiDe said...

Funny! I just spotted this hiding among our other board games in one of our closets.

Anonymous said...

You should have asked it was being sold by the pack or box.

- Enrique

Trundling Grunt said...

We bought it and played it once I believe, so we got our dollar's worth out of it.

Jason said...

Yes, but did they have that Episode I game?

GiromiDe said...

Tribbles and "that Episode I game" should be deemed Decipher Apocrypha.

Trundling Grunt said...

Only if you get an exclusive Data Laughing card