It may be you've already seen this at one of countless other web sites that have published it, but in case you haven't, it made me laugh heartily. It's a memo from Matt Stone (of South Park) to the MPAA, from years ago during the process where they were trying to appeal the South Park movie down to an R rating. (
Here it is at full size.)
There's just something incredibly funny about a civil discussion of the sorts of things referred to in this memo. And while not every movie pushes the envelope as hard as South Park, you still have to know this sort of argument with the MPAA is happening all the time.
the last line is the funniest.
Oh, when I first saw this, I busted a gut laughing. But not until the last line. Before that i was wrapping my mind around what they were trying to clean up and if it was necessary or not.
That last bit made a serious memo a funny memo.
is there no end to the genius of South Park? even their memos are hilarious!
the mole
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