Friday, June 30, 2006

Reverse Psychology

You know those places like the Cold Stone Cremery where, if you throw a tip into the tip jar, there's a whole big celebration? They'll ring a bell, hoot and holler, and everyone will sing some sort of bizarre made-up song like a pack of Oompa-Loompas.

To me, that's incentive not to tip.


Trundling Grunt said...

That seems like a good reason not to go there in the first place. I hate all that stuff.

Anonymous said...

there is a hamburger joint around here called Johnny Rockets that does the same thing. it's always more entertaining to see the broken-spirited employees who are obviously not enjoying themselves being forced to sing and dance often. not smiling, mumbling the lyrics, rolling the eyes, no effort to the dance moves...

it makes it more fun to think the tipping is a way to exert your dominance. [plink! (a quarter)] now sing for me!!!
the mole

Anonymous said...

If I throw a tip in that jar, can I skip the singing and dancing and just get my order quicker? That'd be great.

After having to sing the birthday song at Olive Garden for a year with Dave, we (the broken-spirited employees mentioned by The Mole) started making up new lyrics.

It's probably better that you don't ask... :P

Dave(id) said...

Amen. I especially hate the fact that Starbucks actually has the guts to put tip jars up. I will never tip someone for pouring me 1 cup of coffee and taking my $1.88 although I have on occasion let them keep the .12 cents.