Monday, January 07, 2008

2007 In Review -- Movies

As with "games I played," I also summed up my moviegoing habits in 2006.

2007 marked a sharp increase in the number of movies I saw. Not counting the one I walked out on, I saw 91 movies in their entirety last year. That's blowing by the "barely one a week" average of before and sneaking up on two a week. (I could saw "bi-weekly," but thanks to the peculiarities of English, that could mean once every two weeks or twice a week.)

I reviewed most of what I saw throughout the year, so like last year, I'll skip the list and just take note of some of the trends and thoughts.

The only movie I saw more than once in 2007 was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It wasn't my favorite film of 2007, but I did like it quite a lot, so it makes some sense to me that I caught it twice.

I watched a lot more movies at home this year -- mostly that drawn out James Bond marathon -- but still ended up going to the theater by a margin of about two to one. In other words, it doesn't appear I'm actually watching much of that ridiculously large DVD collection I've got going. I'm already buying less these days than I use to. Maybe I should be even more picky?

The "dry spells" of last year? February and September. I had months where I saw more movies than in those two put together. And it makes sense... all the movies competing for Oscars open in "wide release" in January, and the "summer movie season" comes to a close at the end of August. After each of those rushes, a month of mind-numbing crap invariably ensues.

I wonder if the writer's strike, in soon taking (or having already taken) away nearly all the TV shows I watch, will lead me to watch more movies this year? I've long been keeping a list of movies I'd like to see, based on various recommendations. Maybe it's time to start chiseling away at that? Or perhaps read a few more books?

In the short term at least, it probably just means more Rock Band.


Anonymous said...

'I could saw "bi-weekly," but thanks to the peculiarities of English, that could mean once every two weeks or twice a week.'

You could say semi-weekly, literally 1/2 a week.

Been reading your blog faithfully for nearly 2 years now, thanks for being a dedicated blogger.

GiromiDe said...

I'd like to see how much longer the Strike will go once SAG starts following suit. They've already taken down the (gasp) Golden Globes.

DrHeimlich said...

To bobbofeet -- Thanks for reading!

To giromide -- You know things are serious when people can't even agree to congratulate themselves. ;-)