Friday, January 18, 2008

Choppy Reception

So, if you watch Boston Legal, then you know that iPhones are sexy. (Or maybe you've noticed it yourself.)

But the real question is, Will It Blend?

(I swear I just heard something... as though millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror.)


Shocho said...

I love that guy! C'mon, who doesn't want their new toy gadget featured on Will It Blend? And when has he ever shown that he has a second victim cause he likes it so much!

What about your cell phone? Will It Blend?

Anonymous said...

everything blends! except Chuck Norris! that's funny stuff.

I wonder if he really put the blended iphone on ebay?

the mole

Roland Deschain said...

LOL I swear I was cracking up the first time I heard about this site. It's like the more evil and singularly goaled version of Mythbusters. Skip the experiments, right to the destruction. It's great!

And all along, I truly want to buy whatever blender that guy has. Because I know that if it will blend an iPhone, it will sure as bleep not have a problem making a damned good margarita. ;-)

Sangediver said...

Love that site.

So Roland, the real question is whether his blender will blend?

Mkae said...

OMG, that was hilarious. I gotta hand it to Apple, the screen held in there for a good couple of solid hits before the case cracked.