Friday, January 04, 2008

Rock Banned

First of all, thanks to everyone who offered me computer advice (both here, and in e-mails). I didn't get home until late tonight, so it'll be tomorrow that I try to figure it all out. We'll see what happens.

I dare you to check out this net video of a band that really, really needs to pack it in. Take note of the kids that go running from the stage at the beginning of the clip. It's like they know the suffering that's about to come:

If you actually make it all the way to the end of the video, you're made of sterner (or crazier?) stuff than I.


Shocho said...

Couldn't make it. Horrendous. See, in Rock Band that singer would fail and the other guys would tell him to go practice. He'd have incentive to get better.

Sangediver said...

Madre de Dios, I couldn't make it more than 10 seconds after the singer started singing.

Of course I now know what I sound like when i try and "sing" on Rock Band.

Mkae said...

Geez. I didn't make it to the chorus. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I made it and I got to tell you...
Thats 3:44 of my life I will never get back!!!!!!!

Roland Deschain said...

I made it to :45 seconds. I hope there was nothing funny after that point because I'm typing from touch - I had to blind and deafen myself.

It was a pleasure knowing all of you.