Friday, January 25, 2008

Just Start a Real Band Already

Whenever I'm carrying all my Rock Band accoutrements to someone else's house, or contemplating the fact that I and/or people I know have bought everything from mic stands to cowbells to drum thrones specifically to play the game... and I start to think, "am I taking this too far?"

That's when I see something like this that makes me say, "no, those guys are taking it too far."


Roland Deschain said...

I'm not sure which thought came first.

"Of course, they're in Florida"


"You've GOTTA be farkin' kidding."

If you can afford actual equipment (from GUITAR CENTER no less) and the PS3 or the XBox is the cheapest piece of equipment in the room...why are you playing a game version instead of actually playing?

LOL...though, that room is just one big voided warranty. :P

Shocho said...

All that equipment is wasted on those doofuses. If they were the guys who have 250,000,000 fans on the leaderboard, maybe they should be playing on that stuff.

Anonymous said...

wow. that is some serious disposable income. this is what they talk about as the thin line between genius and insanity.

and if you are just playing real instruments, you don't get any kind of score tracking or unlockable clothing options or anything. so maybe playing the game is better? (yeah I know there would be other types of benefits from performing in front of real crowds with the real instruments...)

the mole