Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Tales from the Internets 6

Time for another installment in my irregular series that asks, "What are people out there Googling that sends them here to my neck of the internets?"

as i choke veronica mars - What? You bastard! Thems fightin' words!

the ending of the movie, Pack of Lies and a pack of lies ending and the book A Pack of Lies Chapter 12 - I've never heard of such a book or movie, never mind seen/read it or know how it ends.

snake genital picture - I was completely scared and disturbed by this, one that someone would look for it, and two that my blog might somehow be thought to satisfy that search. Then I realized someone was probably looking for a still photo from the movie Snakes on a Plane. Which explained it, but didn't make the desire to see a picture of it any less disturbing.

"28 days later" "Danny Boyle" "horrible smell" - No, no, that would be wafting out of the theater next door showing the Uwe Boll film.

plot lather and nothing else - This would be what, scenes set in showers?

comic strips of whittlers - Ah yes, cause what a long, proud tradition of those there is.

the most amazing thing ever - I'm not sure what's weirder: that my blog is a destination for this search term, or that four separate people have gotten here this way. I guess I should be flattered.

why does the cube produce evil robots? - See?! I'm not the only one!

hellfire and dalmations comic - Okay, seriously... what's with the weird taste in comics?

wtf eddings - I couldn't have said it better myself. But here's what I did say.

john madden restraining order - If I thought there was any chance of him ever coming within 100 feet of me in my life time, I'd get one.

blank barnyard animal cards – If they're blank, then how do you know they’re barnyard animal cards?

nerfnipple - Letting people enjoy all the fun of playing with nipples without the risk of serious injury.


Sangediver said...

OK, there's a part of me that would love to choke on Veronica Mars..

If you know what I mean

Wink, wink, nudge nudge....

Jason said...

What, no hits on "Dr. Evan Heimlich"?

Roland Deschain said...


So...um...do nerfnipples get hard when they're cold as well?

And as long as they're not looking for pictures of snake genitals. That would worry me more.

Hellfire and Dalmations? Um...I think at times, Harley fills both parts of THAT bill!