Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lonely Items

Among the features of my new place are a second bathroom off the master bedroom, and a significantly larger kitchen than I had before. This has led to a few incredibly lonely items "living" in those places.

I now have a "guest" bathroom. I barely had things out in my own bathroom at my old apartment, prefering to keep most things tucked away in drawers. Now there's this second bathroom, and aside from the shower curtain, all that's in there are what a friend of mine dubbed "the loneliest towels in the world." They're just hanging there on the rack, nothing else around.

Similarly, in the kitchen, I used to keep this large glass measuring cup I have in the same cabinet with "spill-over" glasses. Tacky glasses I got on trivia nights, weird shot glasses and what-not. Well, now those all fit in the cabinet with all the other glasses. And yet, it doesn't quite seem to make sense to stick a measuring cup in there with the glasses and bowls and plates. And so I find myself with a cabinet that has nothing else in it but this lonely measuring cup.

I certainly want to resist the urge to start buying crap to fill space just because I have space to fill. My new walk-in closet, for example, has a lot more empty room in it, and I'll not be filling it any time soon. And yet, these other two cases seem to cry out for something. A random toothbrush holder, a miscellaneous cooking implement or two?

The thing is, I don't really need anything there, so I have no ideas.


Anonymous said...

Buy more boardgames.
That's the ticket!!


Roland Deschain said...

Sounds to me like you can buy DVDs wholesale for the near future and not be worried about needing more racks or running out of space. ;)

Sangediver said...

It puts the cookie sheets in the cupboard.

It puts the cookie sheets in the cupboard!

DrHeimlich said...

FKL -- To keep in the kitchen and bathroom? :-)

Roland -- To keep in the kitchen and bathroom? :-)

Sangediver -- It does this whenever it's told.

Major Rakal said...

I can't help with the guest bathroom (mine is furnished about like yours), but I'm sure I could ship you some of my kitchen overflow. ;-)

Roland Deschain said...

Dr. - Hey, at my place my entire closet is in my bathroom - so that's where the clothes, boardgames, towels, boxes, etc. ALL are.

Soooo...sure. Why not? ;)

I suppose you could start collecting jars of bugs or some other strange thing that would be a conversation item when someone opened one of your cabinets.... :P

Sangediver said...


You could fill your cabinets with nothing but jars and jars and jars of Red Vines!