Saturday, December 23, 2006

Constant Comment

My thanks to one of the old Virginia folks, who recently pointed me to this source of mirth. Some of the hysterically funny people behind Mystery Science Theater 3000 have not stopped mocking movies just because their show isn't on the air. They've taken their act to the net, where you can download their special form of DVD commentary for your MP3 player and synch it up to a movie for loads of laughs.

In some ways, it's actually better than the TV show, because they no longer have to wrestle with clearing the rights to show a movie. They just post the commentary for the movie they want.



GiromiDe said...

Star Trek V is their free sample? I could put together my own set of riffs in a few minutes.

Steve Horton said...

Recently listened to the "Top Gun" Rifftrax. Highly amusing. The ones with more than one person are better than the ones with Mike alone.

That said, "Road House", with just Mike, is outstanding, especially the last ten minutes.