Friday, December 01, 2006

The Horror, The Horror!

Your regularly scheduled Battlestar Galactica commentary will appear tomorrow. I got home just way too tired to watch it and still find energy to say anything meaningful about it afterward.

Until then, with thanks to Brad, I offer you a fan trailer for "Office Space," re-imagined as a suspense thriller. These sorts of "tonal shift fan trailers" have been making the rounds a lot lately. I still find them funny, because they underscore things about movie trailers we've all known forever:

1) You can put a trailer together to make a movie look like damn near anything. (Usually, this power is used to make a bad movie look good, but here the power is put to another use.)

2) The selection of music is key to setting the mood. Film composers have incredible power over how an audience responds to a movie (which is why the good ones have such a great reputation).

Anyway, enough flapping my keys. Here's the stuff:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was totally awesome on many levels. wow.

the mole