Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dumber Than Advertized

Because of a recent drop in available parking passes at the lot at my office, Shocho and I have recently had to polish up our parallel parking skills on nearby streets in downtown Denver. Shocho won't dispute this: we both basically suck at parallel parking. It's either a driving skill you have, or you don't. And it's not easily acquired if you don't.

Which, for a while, made us both jealous of that new Lexus in the commercials... you know, the one that can park itself:

But that was until a friend of mine showed me the truth about this wonderful self-parking Lexus:

I guess it is still a Lexus, which is nice. But whatever you're paying for this feature? Wrong.


Shocho said...

Larry at the Lexus store was SO disappointed when I called to cancel! But thanks for saving me. It just looks like an electric shaver anyway.

TheGirard said...

To be fair, they aren't parallel parking the car. Isn't that the only way it auto does it?

Anonymous said...

I always knew not to trust it. Besides, the more trust we put in computers to do things like that for us, the closer we are to them either attempting to destroy us or enslave us.