Sunday, December 03, 2006

Grab Your Number Two Pencils

I think that posting links to personality tests is pretty much the nadir of blogging. It's lazy and uncreative.

But some days, you just don't have anything else to talk about.

And sometimes, the test is really just too "up your alley" to say no to, like "What Buffy character are you?"

Though I'm a little weirded out that I got Adam (the season four Big Bad), of all people:
Like Adam, you're calm, and dispassionately work to achieve your ends.

Also, you may just have a nuclear core.

I'm not sure that's very accurate, but hey -- when are these things ever accurate?


Aabh said...

I turned out to be Dawn... I wonder what that means?

Shocho said...

Gad, that was long... I am Faith. I'm pretty happy with that.

Roland Deschain said...

Uh...I think this should scare me somewhat...this was my result!!

54% amorality, 63% passion, 63% spirituality, 18% selflessness
You probably have a complicated, multi-faceted personality. Kind of like Glory-Ben-Glorificus.

Passionate and driven with a spiritual side that comes out at times, a healthy taste for the finer things in life and a willingness to do what's necessary to achieve your ends. You're assertive and have no problems standing up for yourself. And, push come to shove, you're the closest anyone's ever come to straight-up beating the Slayer and her gang.