Monday, December 05, 2005

The Feast is Over

It took me a little while to carve out the time for it, but yesterday I finished reading A Feast for Crows. I did quite enjoy it. I'm not sure if I "three years of waiting was worth it" enjoyed it, but it was still a great read. Not at all what I hear from fans reading the Robert Jordan series "The Wheel of Time," which as I understand it has been spinning its "wheel" (ha!) for about five books now to little effect.

Without getting too spoilery, I'll simply say that the "mammoth plot developments" of the book were not up to the high water mark of A Storm of Swords. But it still took some exciting twists. I think perhaps I was feeling the absence of some of the characters a bit too strongly. I knew going in that some characters would not be featured again until book five, A Dance of Dragons. Unfortunately, it turned out to be some of my favorite characters.

In the interest of remaining as spoiler-free as possible, I won't explain any further than that. I'll just plug away on behalf of this series one more time, for those of you who haven't read it.

This is the last you'll have to hear of it from me until the release date for A Dance for Dragons is announced. Some very, very distant day, I'm sure.


Major Rakal said...

If A Storm of Swords is the high-water mark for mammoth plot developments, I can't wait to read it. I just finished A Clash of Kings and am enjoying the series enormously.

I'm hoping my local library will have A Feast for Crows, because I know I'm not going to want to wait a year for the paperback (but don't want to spring for the hardback edition).

Tom said...

I have some hopes that book 5 will come a bit quicker...I guess we'll see. I still have a couple of hundred pages to go in 4...been otherwise distracted :)

DrHeimlich said...

Why, Major... I had no idea you had started up the series. I'm glad to hear that you're liking it.

Tom, GRRM has claimed on his book tour that he hopes to have book 5 out next year. He apparently feels confident enough about that to put it in print, too -- the end of book 4 has a one page "what about the rest?" explanation that says book 5 should be next year.

But I'll believe it when I see it. After all, he used to think the series would be three or four books.

Though I guess I don't mind a bit of a wait so long as the quality remains high.