Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Theory of Magnetism

It was not long ago that I remarked how some people take their Lost way too... minutely.

Not a day or two later, a friend points me to a particular thread on that Lost fan site detailing one guy's "Ultimate Lost Theory." This thing is completely out of control.

I don't know how many of you happen to watch Stargate as well, but suddenly I'm hearing Richard Dean Anderson explain to me how it's all done with "magnets."


thisismarcus said...

That is quite amazing. Someone should send the link to J.J. Abrams so Lost has a chance of not disappointing everyone who ever watched it -- or, the author should move this concept from an island and write his own mystery drama TV show!


GiromiDe said...

He makes a very strong case, assuming the writers are as resourceful and educated as he is. I wish he had been more forthcoming about his interpretation of the Others rather than wait until bothered by the other members of the forum.

I share his beliefs that the orientation business is a big red heering and that the "pirates" who kidnapped Walt are not the true Others. I like that he has brought up the possibly of deeply hidden clues that aren't so deep if you know a particular "code breaker". Perhaps the name "Alvar Hanso" is the code breaker as he suggests.

Regardless, this revelation won't make me enjoy the show any less. I love it for what it is week after week and as a whole offering. I just wish the Monster would rear its ugly... whatever it has for a head again and make me feel better.