Monday, January 29, 2007

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This week on 24, a realization even more startling than the identity of Jack's brother: that his name is spelled... Graem?

Tom wants to base things on soft intel? That bastard!

Don't try this at home, kids: Graem had to spend five minutes in that plastic bag while Karen and Tom bickered and Bill and Nadia discussed her security woes.

"Dammit!" shouts Jack. Everyone drink!

Fayed might still be hunkered down in the "perimeter." Everyone drink!

And Fayed will be moving in the opposite direction of the fallout if he is still in the "perimeter." Everyone drink! (Damn, this episode's gonna be a bender!)

Bill tells Jack they have teams standing by! But weren't we told they were all killed in the blast last week? This must be the second string. Imagine how effective they're gonna be.

The CIA guy that's been a pain in Sandra Palmer's ass for hours is no longer "that guy from Good Will Hunting that doesn't like dem apples," he's "Samuels." Just be careful you don't start to care about him too much, or he'll be dead within the hour.

Talking directly to suspected terrorists is "a big get." Kinda like when Bill Clinton goes on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I guess.

Tom really doesn't like Karen. Maybe she used his special toilet stall in the unisex bathroom. The man likes a fresh bowl.

Milo is letting Nadia use his log in. Because later on, he wants to get his log in.

Karen advises Wayne to listen to his inner David, and then asks for five hours (weeks) off so she can fly to LA (go do a short guest shot on another series).

That guy in the detainment facility sure isn't doing a very good job of hiding his cell phone, holding it out about two feet in front of him like it's a geiger counter or something.

Who's he calling anyway? "You reached 1-800-4-TERROR. Press 1 for jihads. Press 2 for fatwas..."

Walid can put the phone back now? They don't exactly cover that in pickpocket correspondence courses.

Chloe is finding out what was on the cell phone... and it's... the opening credits from Live and Let Die?

Darren McCarthy doesn't have any dry cleaning in his office, so Jack will just have to settle for cuffing Graem to the furniture.

I like James Cromwell. He doesn't look a thing like Donald Sutherland. But I still like him.

Daddy says he's just trying to keep his son out of prison. I guess that means the bald one, since Daddy wasn't around to help Jack in seasons 4 and 5.

Darren McCarthy's got a new line on a wizard of a nuke programmer who amazingly hasn't left town. Maybe because s/he works at CTU? (I mean, there has to be a mole there. There just has to be.)

See, look what happens when you send the second string CTU field teams?


Anonymous said...

ooohhhh I see it coming. the "mole" at CTU who knows about programming bombs will turn out to be Morris. he will turn it down and remain a good-guy, but later play along so that they can find the nukes. poor Chloe. why does everyone around her die?

and a classic 24 gotta-keep-watching ending to the episode. Graem (sp?) says "call me when it's over"? with all of the flair of a super villain. he needs Scott Evil next to him saying "I'll just go to my room and get my gun and BANG. dead." I can't wait to see Jack get out of this one...

the mole

Anonymous said...

What, no running commentary for Prison Break?!?
Refund, I say. REFUND!!


DrHeimlich said...

Apologies! I'll get right on that Prison Break commentary. :-)