Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Great Scott!

It's decades on, but in some form, the DeLorean Motor Company still exists. They have a website where you can still order parts for their famous car, if you happen to own one and need to make repairs.

Or upgrades. Try a parts search for Part Number 1985. You won't be disappointed by the results.


Anonymous said...

Did you try to order them? They say they're free.


Anonymous said...

I remember reading about this place back in 2001 when I was considering getting one. It's the same place that can build you a customized DeLorean from parts.


GiromiDe said...

This reminds me of a funny commercial for What Not To Wear on one of the nine hundred cable channels focused self-help or housekeeping. A woman walks past a security guard with a bright yellow suit sporting gigantic shoulder pads. The guard says, "Where'd you park your DeLorean?"

The only problem with the commercial is that the woman's hair is modern.