Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Skeletor Buys the Montecito

I might be undermining some of the "TV Good Taste Street Cred" that I've built up here, but I've been known to watch the series Las Vegas. It's kind of stupid at times, yes, but is also harmless fun in the way some classic shows like Fantasy Island used to be. And it has some pretty good acting, led by James Caan.

Today, word came through the entertainment grapevine that Skeletor will be on the show next year. What rail-thin actress might I be referring to, you ask? Lindsay Lohan? Calista Flockhart? No, no, no... I'm referring to the woman that makes them all look Kirstie Alley -- Lara Flynn Boyle.

She's only scheduled to play a semi-recurring character at the moment. Of course, even if she was on full time, you wouldn't see that much of her. (Rim shot.) Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitresses.


DavĂ­d said...

And you had my hopes up that they were really going to have He-Man's arch-nemesis on the show. That would definitely make me watch it again!

GiromiDe said...

According to Defamer, recent sightings of Winona Ryder reveal that she too has succumbed to the Female Hollywood Blight. It's a shame to see so many shapely attractive women turn themselves into walking skeletons. (ed: Aren't we all walking skeletons?) I suppose this proves that for all the liberalism on the West Coast, Hollywood actresses still feel pressured to fit a particular unhealthy mold.

I'll be really disappointed if Kate Winslet succumbs to the Blight.