Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Writer With Two First Names

Some of you out there will know Peter David from his blog. He's one person in that small circle of writers known mainly for "tie-in fiction," but that writes far, far better than most such writers. Timothy Zahn and Michael Stackpole are part of that circle, best known for their Star Wars books. Peter David is best known for his Star Trek books (and a variety of movie novelizations).

Tonight, I finished reading a wholly original novel by Peter David, a satirical fantasy called Sir Apropos of Nothing. While it does not manage to reach the heights of The Princess Bride (film or book), anyone who enjoyed one would doubtlessly enjoy the other. And so I'm throwing my endorsement out there for anyone looking for something to read.

...which, I acknowledge, is probably not many of you at the moment. Because I know a lot of you are looking forward to Saturday, and the arrival of the sixth Harry Potter book. And if you weren't planning to read that, Sir Apropos of Nothing probably isn't up your alley anyway.

1 comment:

Shocho said...

Fascinating. I just took Peter David's blog from my rotation the other day, and now something like this comes along: A book I'd like to read. Sounds like fun. I'm not looking forward to the HP book, since I can't make myself slog through them anymore. So thanks for the tip! :)