Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bush on the Stanley Cup, Part 2

When I tore off yesterday's page from my calendar, I found there was still more to the stupid Bush quote about the Stanley Cup:

"It showed up at the Bob Edmunds restaurant in Brunswick, Ohio. Went to Filthy McNasty's Bar and Grill in Toronto. I don't know who took it there but I'll bet you're pretty happy the cup can't talk -- if you know what I mean."

Okay... wow. Again, are these "famous sites" in the mind of George W. Bush?

Now, I assume that he's talking about a Bob Evans restaurant. That would be Bush trying to appear like "a normal American," mentioning the "down home cookin' restaurant" that many "simple folk" eat at. But he can't get the name right. Partly because he's an idiot, but mostly because I can pretty much guarantee he's never been in one in his life.

And apparently, someone is providing intelligence on Filthy McNasty's Bar and Grill. Why we have someone undercover there reporting back to the president escapes me, but the evidence speaks for itself.

Hopefully, tomorrow's calendar page will be more tame so I can resume my regularly scheduled blogging.

1 comment:

thisismarcus said...

Somebody go put some food on his children.