Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Mars Attacks!

I caught War of the Worlds tonight. My bottom line: I'd give it a B.

The action moments were impressive, the images breathtaking, the suspenseful parts were, and so forth. Not that you'd expect any less out of Steven Spielberg. However, I'm not sure I ever felt the presence of a compelling plot. The movie felt more like a series of "set pieces" strung together.

You had your wonderment moment, your horrific moment, your "fleeing action sequence," your grisly moment, etc. etc. etc. And the movie just seemed to bob along from one moment to the next as if that were enough to sustain it. Ordinarily, this might really annoy me, except in this case, each given "set piece" was so well done and really damn good.

I guess I'm saying the parts were greater than the sum of the whole. Or something strange like that.


Davíd said...

Hmm, this will give me a better outlook on it when my friends inevitably drag me to see it.

TheGirard said...

I went and saw it last night. I thought it was utter shit.

that is all

GiromiDe said...

Perhaps it was all those Nazi drugs in your system reacting to Cruise's on-screen charm.

thisismarcus said...

Shame the plot was so non-existent when it's based on a CLASSIC NOVEL! It's almost as if they paid for the name TWOTW to bring more people to see it. I haven't seen it (and won't) but I definitely don't remember any single-parenting issues in H.G. Wells' story.

Davíd said...

You were more generous than I was. I would give it a C. There were parts of the movie that were really well done. On the other hand, the lack of cohesion really hurt the movie as I couldn't bring myself to care about the characters or follow the plot. It's your average summer, hollywood popcorn flick.