Sunday, May 22, 2005

An End of Desperation

Poor Steven Culp. Lately he's been having a rough time staying alive on the TV series he hooks up with. After a year long stint on Enterprise, his Major Hayes character got the ol' red-shirt treatment. And tonight on Desperate Housewives, his Rex Van De Kamp became the latest casualty of what has to be the "non-cop drama" with the highest body count on televsion. I wonder if Speaker of the House Haffley on The West Wing is going to meet some untimely end next season?

Anyway, what a fun ride Desperate Housewives was this year -- schlock entertainment without the schlock. A soap opera with better characters, writing, acting, production values, etc. Good thing I did like it, because given the way it jumped straight to being the #1 show on television, you can bet every network (including ABC itself) is gonna have a clone on their fall schedule, vying for a piece of the pie.

And you know what? I'll happily take a parade of Desperate Housewives and Lost knockoffs over another America's Top Extreme Celebrity Newlywed Idol Swap.


GiromiDe said...

Plus, the guy played RFK. You're right -- he can't catch a break. :-)

GiromiDe said...

Correction... he played RFK twice. Even worse...

Tom said...

There was bound to be a reaction against reality TV. Here is hoping we are seeing the start of it!