Sunday, September 18, 2005

Is It Made From Real Boy Scouts?

I guess over 85 years of watching the Girl Scouts hawk their cookies has finally made the Boy Scouts jealous. Coming out of the grocery this afternoon, I'm accosted by a small troop of Boy Scouts looking to sell me...

Boy Scout Popcorn.

Boy Scout Popcorn? Seriously?

I really don't like popcorn much. We're not talking Professor Hathaway in Real Genius hate, but I just don't like the stuff. I think it stems from the years I had braces, and it was banned from me. I never had it while I had the braces in, I never got back in the habit. Even now, when I have popcorn, I'll quit after a hand or two, because I'll get a piece stuck in my teeth and spend the next small eternity (that's what it feels like) trying to pick it out.

Anyway... back to the grocery store. Popcorn? Seriously? Because I was a Boy Scout for a rather short period of time (Cub Scout, actually), and all we got to sell were these lameass "Scout Show tickets." If you've never been to a Scout Show, think of a Star Trek convention, only about 1/10th of the people show up and everybody is wearing neckerchiefs. Lame, lame, lame.

No wonder the Boy Scouts finally decided to creep in on the snack action.


Trundling Grunt said...

Don't buy it - it always seems stale and more like chewcorn than popcorn.

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the whole corporate boardroom meeting...
"we have to sell something but we can't copy the cookies"
I wonder what other things were suggested and voted down over popcorn...

-the mole