Friday, September 16, 2005

Star Trek: Galactica

It occurred to me tonight that perhaps on some level, the new incarnation of Battlestar Galactica is giving us a taste of what Star Trek: Voyager would have been, had it been run and written by the minds behind Deep Space Nine.

When Voyager was first announced, a lot of people noted the superficial similarities to the old Battlestar Galactica -- a ship far, far away from its destination, the crew trying to make do with what they had available to them. Neither show really stayed true to that premise.

The new Galactica was created and is run by Ronald D. Moore, one of the writers of Deep Space Nine. He brought to the writing staff a pair of his old co-workers from DS9 that created several of that shows more memorable episodes. Their dark, gritty sensibilities show up every week. And they deal with the realistic issues head on. On Battlestar Galactica, the resources are limited. The toll of the hopeless grind, day in, day out, does indeed wear on the characters. The whole thing is more credible, and more dramatic for it.

Still, I'm much happier to have them all working on this. I think any incarnation of Voyager could only have been so good, even with better creative minds working on it.

But anyway... on to tonight's episode in particular. Like also last week, it had more typical-of-television plotting. But also last week, it had a number of great moments that really elevated the material.

The strong portrayal of the despair and depression I mentioned. The line mocking that they live "to play cards" seemed like a commentary on the inappropriate playfulness of the original series to me, and I loved it.

Gaeta finally lashing out at Colonel Tigh.

Roslin's reaction to the dcotor's news that her days are even shorter than she expected.

Tigh taking a jar of Chief Tyrol's "moonshine" as payment for the help with the engines. And the one look from Tyrol that told you clearly he didn't want to give Tigh any alcohol, but there were so many levels on which he couldn't say no.

Seeing Dualla get close to Apollo, immediately thinking to myself "what about Billy?" And the writers clearly asking themselves the same question by having him show up a split second later.

The signing of the completed fighter at the end. I have to say I felt naming it "Laura" was a little cheesy to me, but watching everyone sign their work -- to me that was powerful stuff.

And more... perhaps I haven't mentioned your personal favorite.

Admittedly, not Galactica's greatest. But another fine episode. Next week is our last one until January. Also next week, on Tuesday, the release of the full-fledged US version of season one on DVD. Big week for Galactica fans ahead.


Tom said...

Laura was cheesy. That being said, I loved the of my favorites. And Billy has it coming. He should take flying lessons or something. I mean, what can she possibly see in him.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Laura thing was good. I liked how they used her first name rather than her last name. more personal and touching.
I guess in retrospect it is kinda cheesy, but it got me when I watched the episode.

the thing that bothered me about the episode was how Boomer crammed that wire up her wrist. did she plug it in somewhere? can they now xray wrists as a cylon detector? for sure it was creepy and mysterious (not to mention visually intense), but it kinda made her more of a "machine" than I thought she was.

my brother called out Dualla as a cylon a long time ago. seeing her act all sexually charged seems to confirm the theory. those cylons love the lovin'

another subtle continuing Star Trek tradition carried over from DS9 is the emotional torturing of the character nicknamed "Chief". O'Brien was usually getting put through the wringer several times a season. the BSG Chief has had it all along, but still an interesting similarity...

-the mole

thisismarcus said...

Why I'll miss America Part 1: getting the jump on my Euro friends when it comes to new shows and movies!